SEC Rule 606(a) Report

Disclosure of Order Routing Information

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule 606(a) requires all brokerage firms to make publicly available for each calendar quarter a report on its routing of non-directed orders in NMS stocks that are submitted on a held basis and of non-directed orders that are customer orders in NMS securities that are option contracts during that quarter broken down by calendar month and keep such report posted on an internet website that is free and readily accessible to the public for a period of three years from the initial date of posting on the internet website.


For more information regarding the quarterly reports required by SEC Rule 606(a), and other aspects of SEC Rule 606, you may review the final rule here:


2024 Report

Q2 2024
Q1 2024

2023 Report

Q4 2023
Q3 2023
Q2 2023
Q1 2023

2022 Report

Q4 2022
Q3 2022
Q2 2022
Q1 2022

2021 Report

Q4 2021
Q3 2021
Q2 2021
Q1 2021

2020 Report

Q4 2020
Q3 2020
Q2 2020
Q1 2020